Disabling the renal sympathetic nerve corrects resistant hypertension

The Instituto Cardiovascular Teknon Renal Ablation Unit uses an innovative technique to control and lower blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension. This technique, known as renal denervation, is especially indicated for the treatment of resistant hypertension in patients who are unable to control their blood pressure despite multiple, complex pharmacological treatments. It is a minimally-invasive, effective technique, safe in both the short and medium-term, which improves quality of life and increases life expectancy while reducing the economic and social cost of hypertension. Specialists confirm that the renal ablation techniquelowers blood pressure by at least 15-20 mmHg and up to 30 mmHg.
Renal denervation consists of disabling the renal sympathetic nervous system by radiofrequency, reducing its activity, which in turn brings down blood pressure. The technique is applied under sedation and the patient is hospitalised for one day. This new technique controls hypertension, reducing the number of drugs that the patient takes and preventing cardiovascular and kidney diseases.